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Hello! My name is Gwen, and I was born in Japan to a multicultural family: my dad is German and my mom is Japanese. When I was five, we moved to Latvia, where I grew up. This move deeply influenced my life, allowing me to immerse myself in European culture and education while maintaining a connection to my Asian heritage. Sport has been my passion from a young age. I started playing basketball and have continued to enjoy it ever since. Basketball has not only helped me stay in shape but also taught me discipline and teamwork, which have been incredibly beneficial in other aspects of my life. I am currently studying to be an architect. This was my father’s dream, and I embraced the challenge with enthusiasm. For me, architecture is the art of creating spaces that influence people's lives. I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to designing environments and strive to make my projects functional and inspiring. When I'm not studying or playing sports, I enjoy spending time with friу
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Walking around the city at night, wine & watching TV series, clubs, my studies
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Everything in this world is beautiful, isn't it?
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