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Hi, I'm Manuela Garcia, a whirlwind of emotions and positive energy who is here to dye every moment with bright colors. My life is a choreography in constant movement, where dance, singing and happiness are my closest allies. From the moment I open my eyes in the morning until I close them at the end of the day, my goal is to share smiles and joy. My voice may not be perfect, but when I sing, I not only exude melodies, but also genuine feelings that touch the heart. Music is my escape, a way to release emotions and find calm in the midst of chaos. If you are looking for someone who will make you laugh out loud, wrap you in warm hugs and invite you to move to the rhythm of life, here I am! My mission is to create beautiful and memorable moments, turning each encounter into an unforgettable experience.
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Hello! I am someone whose heart beats to the rhythm of life, finding the maximum expression in three unwavering passions: dancing, traveling and singing.
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I don't like rude people who treat people badly for no reason
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