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What really sets me apart is my innate commitment to respect for others. I believe that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and consideration, and that is something I always reflect in the way I interact with others. In addition, my charisma is an essential part of my personality. I enjoy every social interaction, always seeking to genuinely connect with the people around me. My smile is my calling card, because I believe that optimism and joy are contagious. Being myself is something I deeply value, as it allows me to radiate authenticity in every aspect of my life
Turns On:
I like everything that is slow and with a lot of passion and sexi I like to eat sweet, sleep, go to the movies, go for a walk, share with my family.
Turns Off:
I don't like them to be rude or dramatic, I don't like them to be impatient, I like them to be very kind, loving and respectful.
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