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I strongly believe everyone should smile and laugh and enjoy whatever time they spend in someone's company. So what I do like and consider a strong asset in one's personality is their sense of humour. I love it! I also like late-night walks in the cool winds of the city, especially in Summertime. As a woman I can describe myself as flirty, elegant and delicate like a bird. 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞!
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I like to meet people with a high potential that can offer me the entire Universe! Romantic, natural and sexy are the attributes that best describe me!
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I appreciate a good sense of humour, but I do not appreciate mockery and the lack of respect. Not only towards me but also anyone who is in my company to be entertained. If you do not break that rule, we shall be best of friends. And why not, more.
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